Technology Stack


Proficiency: Advanced
Libraries: Tensorflow, PyTorch, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, DIPY


Proficiency: Intermediate
Packages: caret, ggplot2, diplyr, tidyr, lubridate


Proficiency: Advanced
Languages: SQL
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB


Proficiency: Intermediate
Software: Tableau


Data Analysis

Projects on data analysis: inspecting, cleansing, transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusion and supporting decision-making.

Machine Learning

Projects on machine learning: classical machine learning algorithms like nearest-neighbors, support vector machines etc.

Deep Learning

Projects on deep learning: using neural networks like CNNs, GANs, etc.

Artificial Intelligence

Projects on artificial intelligence: to update

Computer Vision

Projects on computer vision: using core image processing, manipulation and recognition techniques.


Projects on other domains including time series analysis, etc.

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